Did Israel establish Hamas?

I apologize for the confusion. Let me provide the translation for you:

In our country, where rumors often replace real information and become the subject of millions of discussions, we witness the emergence of a certain allegation related to Hamas: "Israel founded Hamas." The proponents of this claim are unfolding a scenario they have constructed in their minds about Palestine in the 1980s: "Israel created a group of radical Palestinian youth to weaken Yasser Arafat and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). With the support and direction of Israeli intelligence, these young people attacked the goals of the PLO and later formed Hamas." The story doesn't end there; it continues into the present day: "Israel's attacks on Hamas are part of a deliberate strategy. Hamas is a pawn prepared by Israel to destroy the Palestinian people." Some commentators go as far as suggesting: "Islamic politicians have fallen into Israel's trap!"

Similar assessments have been made in the past about the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan). Even today, it is possible to encounter individuals who seriously argue that the British founded and nurtured the Muslim Brotherhood, that it was run from London for decades, and that members of the Brotherhood worked for the British.

Likewise, many interpret the regional turmoil known as the "Arab Spring" solely as a "trap set by Westerners for Muslims": Plans were prepared years ago, necessary conditions were created, and when the time came, the "button" was pressed. Yes, that mysterious word "button" is crucial in such evaluations. And strangely, the button is always on our back, pressed by Westerners and "external forces." No one talks about Muslims pressing a single "button." If, by any chance, Muslims were to press a button, those allowing it to happen—of course, for the realization of their own plans—are once again Westerners...

These types of armchair analyses lead us to grave misconceptions and distorted perceptions for three reasons:

1. Differentiating between exploiting existing movements and potentials by "external forces" and completely diverting them from their course is crucial. If these are confused, it leads to attributing extraordinary powers and superhuman abilities to the enemies of Muslims. For instance, Israeli intelligence is perceived as being omnipotent and infallible, while overlooking Mossad's failures and intelligence weaknesses.

2. Such broad generalizations disregard local dynamics and break the cause-and-effect chain shaping events, making it impossible to understand the issues correctly. For example, if you only analyze the Arab Spring through "external influences," you ignore internal factors that provoke people's anger and take to the streets, and end up vindicating dictatorships. Consequently, the critical rule is sidelined: No external force can stage its scenario without internal causes.

3. Most importantly: Such comments depict the Islamic world as a region where everyone comes and goes as they please, and its members are constantly labeled as victims, deceived, slapped around, and excluded from the game by outsiders. However, Westerners or "external powers" are not the perfect scriptwriters as depicted, nor are Muslims entirely passive. Moreover, during the staging of every game and scenario, countless surprises occur, and the course of events never progresses as originally planned.

To young people who want to work on the Middle East and consult with me for advice, I always say this: "At the same time, you are both very unlucky and very lucky. You are very unlucky because you have 85 million competitors, and everyone speaks freely in this field. But you are also very lucky because there are such huge gaps in the literature that whatever you write will go down in history."

In an atmosphere where everyone, regardless of knowledge or ignorance, speaks out and gives their opinions, making sensible and rational evaluations requires great effort, naturally.

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