The fight against disinformation...

In the past few years, there's been a concept that's become increasingly prevalent in our discourse, especially through social media: "Disinformation."

Originating from French, it briefly means "distorting information." You know how in an argument, one side might accuse the other of "distortion"? Well, it's not just that. It's much more than a momentary reaction; it involves deliberate distortion with intent and structure.

The concept of disinformation, as expanded upon using sources from Wikipedia and the Turkish Language Association (TDK), refers to "false or unverifiable information deliberately spread; it means distorting information."

So, not only is deliberately distorting information disinformation, but intentionally spreading distorted information is also considered disinformation. Unintentionally spreading it is referred to as "misinformation." The Communication Encyclopedia defines misinformation as "presenting false or misleading information as if it were true."

The distortion and dissemination of misleading information represent one of the most serious problems in the everyday lives of contemporary humanity, especially in the age of the internet. However, we shouldn't just view this issue through the lens of fake content that flows through social media like a film reel, only to be forgotten a few hours later. Social media platforms are both the production and consumption centers of the disinformation and misinformation regime.

When we talk about "regime," let me explain: billions of people are brought into these platforms as elements of communication, interaction, and chaos with their "user" identities. Consequently, distorted content becomes part of everyday life. Incorrect information, due to constant exposure, has become accepted as "normal" and somehow reasonable in communication. In a way, social media constructs the legitimacy of distortion.

Breaking out of this vicious cycle and not surrendering to the regime is increasingly difficult. Because, whether they admit it or not and despite appearing to take measures, platforms thrive on the "cycle of distortion." In the "internet world" where physical boundaries are disregarded, where states and constitutions are neutralized, the situation is heading towards a deadlock with each passing day. Türkiye can only defeat this tyranny, both as a state and as a society, with the power and impact of truth.

Over the weekend, I read the book "From Information Warfare to Disinformation Warfare," edited by the Director of Communications, Fahrettin Altun. Published by Paradigma Publishing, the book examines through examples the disinformation operations conducted against not only Türkiye but also all of humanity and states, and the necessary struggle against them.

In Altun's article titled "The Power of Truth or the Tyranny of Disinformation and Manipulation?" he draws attention to the fact that the disinformation regime experienced on social media targets established orders beyond individuals: "Disinformation is not just a campaign to mislead and distort information. Especially in the new digital era, the purpose and consequences of disinformation have transcended this boundary, reaching dimensions that can harm a country and society. Therefore, in taking measures against disinformation, the determination and consistency required by a war must be shown."

It's not just platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook that contribute to this instantaneous content regime. The book extensively discusses how Netflix also has disinformation and manipulation power. In the article by Assoc. Prof. Mesut Aytekin, the mission of Hollywood, which is a cultural and political pressure tool, is compared with that of Netflix in the present day, and the lasting disinformation effects of the movies streamed on individuals are discussed. The article examining the messages that movies and series aim to convey reveals that one of the main targets of Netflix's constructed ideology is Türkiye and the Turkish people.

While reading the book, I once again understood this: it's quite normal for us users, whose daily screen time reaches 8 hours and who are captives of both entertaining content and unlimited consumption, to be unaware of the war we're in the midst of. Because we're too dependent to realize it. Unfortunately, I fear that over time, we'll add a dependency on disinformation to this bad habit. Humanity, in every aspect and every moment, is becoming enslaved to lies, falsehoods, and the beyond-real. In contrast, truth is dissipating on social media, losing its power and impact, much like the time spent there.

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