The fundamentalism of global corporations

Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert, who works at the Shifa Hospital in Gaza, emphasized the importance of all kinds of support for Palestinians in his address to the Turkish people. He mentioned that many things can be done within this framework. Additionally, Dr. Mads Gilbert stressed the necessity of maintaining interest in Palestinians, noting that global support for Gaza is continuously increasing. However, while the Norwegian doctor's words were echoing in Türkiye, a cleaning company's advertisement billboards likening Palestinians to microbes brought to light Israel's global support. The use of the term "unstoppable" in the company's ads clearly indicated its determination to eradicate those it deemed necessary.

It was undeniable that the implication of a global company operating in Türkiye regarding Palestinians was evident. Previously, a similar company had used visuals related to Gaza Strip's map in a negative context to be able to give it an unfavorable meaning. It is extremely significant that the cleaning company is sending a message about Gazans through maps. Other elements reminding of Gaza are also present in the visuals used by the company. The colors and shapes in the Palestinian flag are blatantly visible. It's evident that the company is openly challenging. It is important for a company operating in Türkiye and other parts of the world to express its support for Israel's brutality in public spaces, demonstrating the dimensions of the challenge.

European companies were operating in distant geographies in the nineteenth century to satisfy colonial desires. Among these, the East India Company was the most famous. This company and others represented England in overseas territories. In a sense, the Indian subcontinent was the East India Company's field of activity. The policies pursued by the company led to rebellions in India, rendering it ungovernable for England. The ramifications of the company's practices also reached a serious level in England. When similar examples from Western European countries are followed, it will be seen how anti-colonial ideas are reflected in public opinion. Contradictions between companies and ordinary people in Western public opinion can also be viewed from this perspective. We can also include criticism of rising capitalism in this framework. It is known that anti-colonial ideas played a role to some extent in the process of dismantling colonies.

We can evaluate the opposition of the Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert with the company likening Palestinians to microbes within this contradiction. The emerging picture is also important for understanding the concepts of the global South and global North. A new border has emerged in Gaza, and this border actually indicates the place where colonial desires from the nineteenth century have come and settled. Taking a step further implies a return to the past. Ironically, we can call it "reactionary." The longing for a return signifies being a sign of the satisfaction of imperialist desires.

Looking through the window opened by the concepts of the global South and global North, the importance of boycotting products of companies that support Israel's brutality becomes clearer. This is an example of solidarity and its effectiveness is also understood. Although companies threaten their relations with Israel, they also reveal it. Gaza has become a border for them too. They express their identities, ideologies, and desires globally in this way. There is a challenge, but at the same time, Gaza is a border for them too. When companies start to become a burden on colonial centers, the contribution of the people is required to solve the problem. The meaning of this is clear. In fact, it is understood that ordinary people are not so different from each other against imperialist companies. However, it may not be very easy to explain this with the concept of class.

A situation like neglecting Gaza should not arise. We should not surrender Gaza to a global solidarity of brutality by falling for the enticing charm of restrictive discourses. Although Gaza emerges with a religious and national identity against the colonial desires of the global North in one aspect, it does not have a divisive characteristic in terms of geography. It is very clear that the oppositions articulated at the discourse level require alignment with the global North. The distinction based on the characteristics of the global South and global North is a differentiation.

4 months ago
The fundamentalism of global corporations
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