US politicians also see Israel as a Western colony...

It seems that a serious polarization has emerged in both the US and the UK as Israel's massacres have come to light and reached an undeniable level. Both countries openly supported Israel after October 7 as a continuation of their traditional state policies. This support had not been questioned before, and there had been no polarization. Therefore, they saw no problem in supporting Israel after October 7. However, Israel was desperate for the first time against the Palestinians. Hamas emerged unexpectedly, upsetting Israel's balance. Not only Israel, but also the US and the UK, along with countries like Germany and France, were stunned by Hamas's perseverance and abandoned their traditional calm approach. They were about to use violence as a systematic political tool again. This would make the Palestinians submit. However, this did not happen, and the Palestinians did not submit. Israel's systematic violence led to the blood of Palestinians spilling onto Western streets. This also led to polarization between the elites and the public.

As we have tried to express in our previous writings, it was widely discussed that soldiers from the US and the UK armies committed genocide crimes on the side of Israel after October 7. The bases in the southern part of Cyprus, UK, were used in Israel's attacks on Gaza, and they did not feel the need to hide this fact. Because they wanted the feeling of horror to be felt all over the geography from the very first day. They just didn't want to give the impression that they were involved in the actual war. Probably, this situation would not lead to any polarization in the UK and the US. Israel had made Gaza uninhabitable many times in the past, but the events were quickly covered up. Because the Palestinians could not spread the resistance over time. But this time, the Palestinians achieved an unprecedented success by landing on Israel. Therefore, they decided to punish the Palestinians in front of the world. They were confident that Israel would win again. For this reason, they became partners in all the crimes of Israel. Because Israel was their creation.

The colonial desires of the US and the UK had begun to be on the agenda in the West after Gaza. This shows that events are open to different interpretations. What's interesting is that even pro-Israel politicians are accused of trying to turn Israel into an "American colony." When Republican writer and politician Elliott Abrams criticized Chuck Schumer, the majority leader of the US Senate, he made this accusation, which is an important clue to the dimensions of polarization. The same debates apply to the UK as well. There, there is a polarization between the elites shaping state policy and the streets.

A new language had been constructed in Orientalist literature since the early 1990s. This language was fueled by the US and UK's occupation of the Gulf region. They targeted both Islam and Muslims directly. While Islam and terrorism were equated, obstacles to invasion and occupation were sought to be eliminated. The unnoticed dimension in the construction of this new language was that the process was under the control of Zionist Orientalists. They caused great destruction in the Islamic geography. But Zionist Orientalists had also poisoned the Western intellectual world. Intellectuals, along with the elites, took sides with Israel. This further exacerbates the tension arising from polarization.

#October 7
3 months ago
US politicians also see Israel as a Western colony...
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