
Turkish wrestler Metehan Başar wins gold at Paris 2017

Başar beats Germany's Denis Maksymilian Kudla in men's Greco-Roman wrestling, 85-kg category

Ersin Çelik
09:07 - 22/08/2017 Salı
Update: 09:10 - 22/08/2017 Salı
Metehan Başar
Metehan Başar

Turkish Greco-Roman wrestler Metehan Başar won the gold medal after beating Germany's Denis Maksymilian Kudla in the 85-kg category final match at 2017 Paris World Championships on Monday.

Başar beat Kudla 2-1 on the first day of the games, garnering his first world championship title.

Last May, Başar won the silver medal in the European Wrestling Championship held in Serbia, by beating Hungarian Viktor Lorincz 3-2.

Başar was congratulated by telegram by Prime Minister Binali Yiıldırım, the premier’s office said in a statement.

Sports minister Aşkın Bak also congratulated the young wrestler and voiced his pride.

"I wish a continued success for our national wrestler who waives our flag in the international arena,” Bak said in a phone call with Turkish wrestling champion.

#2017 Paris World Championships
#Metehan Başar
7 yıl önce